Study program selection

Student's personal data


Contact information

Legal entity billing information

Method and form of tuition payment

Attendance study Online study
Celé studium
(Hrazeno 1 splátkou)
3 890 €

Studium na splátky
3 990 €

Školné je možno uhradit celkově až 4 splátkami. Za každou další splátku se cena studia navyšuje o 4.000 Kč.

Select in how many installments you wish to pay the tuition fee

Studium ve dvou
(Hrazeno ve 2 splátkách)
3 590 € / Os.

Personal data of the second student

Completion of the application

A handling fee of CZK 3,000 is charged for the administration of the application in addition to the above prices. VAT in the statutory amount will be added to the tuition fees. In the case of online study, the price is reduced by CZK 5,000, applies to all programs.

The prices of study programs listed on the website are without VAT.