We are the original. In 2003, we were the first in the Czech Republic to launch modern MBA and LL.M. programs in law, and our successful educational model has since been adopted by other professional schools that we have inspired.
Programmes MBA & LL.M. in English Language
Get a prestigious managerial MBA & LL.M education and save your free time – the mutual element and advantage of study with us is flexibility. We offer studies which are practice-oriented, vocational and optimised for busy employees – you study in your mother tongue, under the supervision of experts from renowned Czech universities, and you are a distant learner. Our instruction derives from a respect for theories but it mostly operates with everyday practical experience.
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Přínosy studia
Interactive webinars. The MBA Executive Management program includes 10 online interactive webinars with our lecturers. In them, you will exchange experience from your professional life and learn valuable information for both the module and the writing of your essays.
Tutorial videos. As part of your studies, you will get the access to tutorial videos for each module recorded by our professional tutors and to recordings of webinars.
Student section. In addition to videos and materials from our lecturers, you will also have the access to the BOOKPORT online library in the Student Section, where you will find all literature relevant to your essays.
Diploma and MBA degree. Upon your successful completion of all course obligations, you will receive a diploma and an internationally recognized MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree, written after your name.
International IES Certificate. In addition to the MBA diploma, you will receive a certificate by the International Education Society (IES) certifying the credibility and rating of the institution that issued the MBA degree.
Know-how from professional lecturers. Knowledge and know-how will be passed on to you by the best lecturers in their fields, who emphasize the ethical aspects of business and are supporters of critical thinking.
Graduation ceremony. Upon successful completion of the study, you will receive a video and photo of the graduation ceremony for graduates, which takes place in the beautiful historic premises of the Suk Hall and the Rudolfinum in Prague.
Průběh studia
1 rok
Výběr studijního programu a podání přihlášky
Následovat bude zaslání smlouvy, Všeobecných studijních podmínek a Organizačních pokynů ke studiu, kde se dozvíte všechny potřebné informace o tom, jak studium probíhá a obdržíte přístup do Studentské sekce a ke studijním materiálům.
Absolvování 2 semestrů s celkem 10 předměty vždy zakončené seminární prací
Tematická setkání studenty s lektory probíhají vždy v sobotu a neděli. Výstupem z každého předmětu je zpracování a úspěšná klasifikace seminární práce.
Vypracování závěrečné práce
Pokud Vaši závěrečnou disertační práci klasifikuje lektor jako vyhovující, studium tím úspěšně končí.
Slavnostní promoce
Slavnostní promoce v historické budově pražského Rudolfina je již pouze krásnou slavnostní tečkou za úspěšným absolvováním Vašeho studia.
Oborové specializace
MBA Executive management (ENG)
The program is primarily focused on mid-level and upper management of companies and those, who aim at attaining such positions.
MBA Executive management (ENG)
Program je určen promanagers, entrepreneurs,sales department staff, sales representatives
s cenou studia od85 900 Kč
Více o programuLL.M. International Private Law and Management (ENG)
The program is a traditional and recognized model of studies, which focuses on commercial law as well as administration and company management.
LL.M. International Private Law and Management (ENG)
Program je určen prograduates from law studies
s cenou studia od85 900 Kč
Více o programu